Welcome back Sparks’ families,
To start our first week of the sixth session, the Sparks played “Would You Rather” and had to answer challenging questions in a “game show” form. Two Sparks were chosen to answer the “Would You Rather” questions in front of the tribe and after answering, the Sparks voted as a tribe on which of the two options they would choose. The “Would You Rather” questions begin simple and silly but gradually become more difficult; asking Sparks to make difficult decisions quickly. After our morning launch, we had Art and each Spark imagined what they looked like as a superhero and had to draw themselves.
On Wednesday we learned about the word “transcend.” Sparks were asked to talk about a time that they felt they had transcended their own expectations. They were asked to agree or disagree with the statement: “You can transcend anything you put your mind to as long as it is important to your own journey.” And explain why they agree or disagree with the statement. We went on to have our “Battle Of The Squads” and Sparks used this concept of “transcending” to push themselves in an obstacle course. Squads earned points for each victory and in the end Sparks decided to pool their points together to win as a tribe.
Thursday, Sparks were asked to think about all the treasures they found on their Hero’s Journey this year and talk about them. Sparks were asked if they would keep all the treasures for themselves, leave the treasure completely alone, or if they would leave a hint for the next person. Their answers varied greatly and made for an interesting discussion. We continued our Thursday with a new writer’s workshop, talking about what we think is the most important part of a story (plot, setting, characters, etc.), as well as our favorite parts of any story we had read before.
Friday was Fitness Friday! We began our day with some simple exercises like jumping jacks, pushups, and sit-ups. We continued our Friday thinking and talking about a fundamental component of human existence: games! Sparks were asked questions like: “Why do people play games?” and “What is the most important element of a well-constructed game?” We played Sudoku, crossword puzzles, and spot it. We closed out our Friday reflecting on and talking about the emotions Sparks experienced while playing these games. Thank you for coming. See you all next week!