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Session 5, Week 6 (Online Week 9)

It is hard to believe that our fifth session has come to a close. The learners have been hard at work this week preparing for their end of the session exhibition!

This week the students were hard at work tidying up their projects for the end of the session.

In Quest, they put the finishing touches on their board games. For some students

this meant using a ruler to make their lines straighter, for others this meant making their rules for their rules for the board game easier to understand. Each time they changed something in their game, they shared it with a studio mate for more feedback. They went through a similar process with their video games.

In Writer’s Workshop the focus was on website design. For many of the students, this was their first time learning how to design a website. Through Loom tutorial videos and help from studio mates, each student was able to design a website to showcase their work from Writer’s Workshop this session. As with many things, when the students finished their website, they showed it to studio mates for feedback. This lead to an interesting discussion during launch one morning where the topic was “who gives better feedback, adults or kids?”

Many of the students said that they believed that they would rather receive feedback from their peers because they feel adults try to be too nice when giving feedback.

In Civilization this week the students heard the stories of the Greek cities, Athens and Sparta. The study of these two cities lead to discussion about what was more important, having a strong army or a country with educated citizens? Most of the students argued that having educated citizens would be more important because without educated citizens, there would be no civilization to protect.

Read aloud has become a favorite in our weekly routine. On Thursday the class finished Midnight for Charlie Bone from the Children of the Red King series. The learners enjoyed the read aloud so much that they begged for it to be added to the schedule for next session, with the hope that the book would be the second in the series.

This week also brought Badge Ceremonies for a few students and an Island Ceremony for one student! The students have worked so hard this session and could not be more proud of all their hard work.

We hope you have a safe break!


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