What a week it’s been for the learners of AABC! This week included an egg drop
competition, planning for the cooking challenge at the end of the term, a trip to the Closter nature center and so much more!
On Monday the students began building their nets for their egg drop. In order to build the nets each pair decided how much elasticity they wanted their net to have. They knew that if the net was too firm then the egg would break, but if it bounced too much then it would also break the egg. Students chose to build their nets from rubber bands, yarn, plastic bags, tissues and styrofoam. To test their nets they used egg size balls of play-doh. After each group felt that their net would catch the egg they dropped it from chairs, tables and then moved to
the ramp in the parking lot. One group built a net that caught their egg
from the top of the ramp! The next physics investigation will explore building pulleys and levers to create a toy of their own!
In Writer’s Workshop the students began writing their podcasts. This week focused on choosing a tone for their podcast. Some of them chose to make their podcasts exciting and humorous, while others chose to make a podcast that was mellow. A few of the students chose to include student interviews in their podcasts in order to create a more informed podcast!
The warmer weather has moved meditation outside for some of the students! While some students opted to meditate inside, others decided to take their yoga mats outside and meditate on the grass field near the school.
For art this week the learners went out to the woods to collect rocks. They painted each rock with a hopeful design or message. After the rocks dried they placed them all in one spot in the woods. The idea is that if someone came to the woods feeling upset or down, they could take a rock to make them feel better. When the person feels happy again, they have to design their own rock and put it in the rock garden for someone to take if they needed it.
On Thursday the class took a trip to the Closter Nature center where they learned all about the tools of our ancient ancestors! The had the opportunity to try digging with a homemade shovel, throwing a “spear,” and making a rope from fibers.
The week wrapped up with boardgame time. During Friday’s launch the students shared their feelings about not being able to come to school for two weeks. Everyone student was offered comforting advice and positive motivation proving once again, how resilient these learners are.