This is the third week of the LP Newsletter! We had a very special day on Wednesday this week, but we will discuss that later.
If you don’t remember, we are making our podcasts for Genre and have even written the first draft of an episode this week. We each wrote around 400 words on Monday for our podcast’s first episode. On Tuesday, we made sure the episode would last between 3 and 8 minutes when read aloud to ensure it was our best work.
For our Medical Biology Quest, we put ourselves in the shoes of medical professionals. On Monday, we researched and practiced doing physical exams. This includes checking blood pressure, heart rate, reflexes, hearing, eyesight, and coordination. On Tuesday, we looked at the blood tests that could be ordered and wrote about what they are for and why you might get one done. On Thursday, we researched the different types of medical scans like MRI, CAT, PET, Ultrasound, and CT, and even made a mini-poster explaining details and showing what their images look like.
During Civ this week, we went back in time and researched the Mongol Empire and thought about its effects on China and the rest of the world. On Wednesday, we saw the Mongols' ruthlessness, attitude towards outsiders, and beliefs. On Thursday, we researched the Mongolian effect on China and Ghengis Khan’s beliefs about administering the land he conquered.
This Wednesday, we went on a field trip to “Time Mission”. In the morning, we worked in the school and then left for the Palisades Mall. In Time Mission, we played a bunch of games to get the most points we could. We chose the name Unusual Hydras and ended up with the highest score of the month and 7th place in the entire year with 2178 points!
Overall, this week was SUPER fun, especially Wednesday!