Hello, and welcome to week 6 of session 3! It was quite a busy week with much to cover, so let us delve in!
Starting with Genre, we presented the speeches that we had worked so hard on throughout the session during the exhibition at last! Before we presented them, we were in paired groups to greenlight our speeches or have everyone's work approved. As a studio, we all voted on who had the best speech, who happened to be Aya’s, who read her work to everybody at the exhibition.
For this week's Civilization, we were all mainly focused on compiling every one of our civ challenges from this session and placing each one into a document for the badge. Both at home and school, we focused on finishing it, ensuring it was our very best work before we got it approved and audited at school.
Now for Quest, we finally could show off our final McCarthy debates in the exhibition and had everyone vote who, out of the two opponents, had a more persuasive argument. Before we delivered our presentation at the exhibition, we had a practice run-through, where we decided on which two people should present their debate in front of everybody: Senator Margaret Chase (Arete’a) and President Truman (Ava A), who argued about the Loyalty Act.
That concludes what has happened this past week. Enjoy the break!
Written by Journey learner