Welcome to week six of the session!
As part of this week's biology Quest, the learners worked with their squads on extracting DNA from various fruits, including strawberries, mangos, and bananas. We did this by mashing the fruit and making a solution from rubbing alcohol, dish soap, salt, and water. The solution was then combined with the mashed fruit, and eventually, little cotton-looking strings would form on top, which were clamps of the DNA!
We examined the DNA clamps under the microscope. Although we couldn’t see actual DNA, it was very interesting to see the individual cells of the different fruits.
In genre, we started filming our short interview with our biology hero. We filmed clips of the “interviewer” talking and the “interviewee” answering the questions they were asked. We filmed the parts of our biology heroes. We dressed in things they were known to wear, like scarves, and some journey learners even used fake beards to make their costumes more believable. In the end, we used different editing software to combine both clips to make it look like an actual interview.
For civ this week, we discussed the topics of Hippocrates’ Oath and Medical Ethics and The Rise and Fall of Rome. One of the questions we answered was:
What was Hippocrates’ greatest accomplishment:
Removing medicine from the “shackles” of magic, superstition, and the supernatural, or
Laying out a code of conduct for all medical professionals
The learners debated a lot on this topic, claiming that without Hippocrates' code of conduct, we would be very behind in terms of medicine. Others thought that if he had not removed medicine from the “shackles” of superstition and magic, there would be no reason to create the code of conduct in the first place.
On Friday, we spent the second half of the day at Alpine. We had a fun time eating different food that we cooked on a fire that we lit and spent the rest of our time playing outdoors.
We can not wait to see you next week at our exhibition!