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Discovery: Session 1, week 5

Discovery Salad!

At the beginning of the session, every discovery learner planted a plant in the lettuce grow system (Lettuce and other plants). And on Wednesday the learners harvested the plants in a way that would let them regrow and put them together with store bought ingredients (Croutons, Seasonings, Cherry tomatoes, Carrots, and cucumbers). To create A great salad! To Harvest, wash, and cut ingredients that either we grew or bought from the grocery store. Most learners applied for different jobs like : setting up, harvesting plants from the lettuce growth system, cutting and washing store-bought materials, and cleaning up afterwards. Even if some learners (very little) didn't apply for jobs everybody still got a large portion of salad.

Writers Workshop!

The first part of the 2nd Writer’s Workshop (Cards) Is finished. During this WW learners wrote cards either to important people in their life or to a random person in the senior center. But, instead of being a multiple-week project like the Hero boards (Previous WW) it was only a 2-day project (or 1-day for some learners).

Exhibition Coming Up!

In two weeks the session 1 exhibition will happen. An exhibition is an event that happens at the end of each session and where the whole studio shares their achievements with their parents. 1 week before the exhibition some exhibition hosts are elected to plan and create the exhibition and plan activities for it.

Written by a Discovery learner


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