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Discovery: Session 1, Week 4

Lip Dub Results! -

On Monday the results for the lip Dub came out and AABC did great! Our Journey and Sparks studios went on to the Globals and the Discovery studio sadly did not make it to the Globals but, got an impressive 3rd place while Kings Academy moved on to the Global Competition for the second time in a row!

1st WW of the school year finished! -

With Friday being the last day to work on our Hero boards the First Writer’s workshop project of the year and session is done! (Learners who are not done will still be able to do it but will have to also do WW No:2 alongside it). The Second WW of the season will be about Notes and Letters.

Contract is now in place! -

As of Tuesday the discovery contract was completed when all Discovery learners got together (North and South) and all voted on all items that were not completely agreed on if items got less than 23 votes it was not put into the final contract (items that were previously agreed on by both north and south were automatically put in the contract). So, now learners can hold others accountable using warnings and Falcon Bucks. For reasons such as: Being unkind, Distracting, Talking over others, Playing around with warnings, and much more!

Written by a Discovery learner


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